Call an Attorney After a Car Accident

The stresses of a car accident are immediate. Between the damage to the vehicle, the incessant calls from your insurance company and the physical impact your body has taken, your physical and mental well being can get lost in the process.

Other Parties

One of the times it is most necessary to speak with an attorney will be if other parties were involved in the accident. This includes other vehicles, cyclists or pedestrians. When another party is involved both parties’ insurance will have work to do in order to settle the claims, so hiring an attorney to secure your best interest is critical.

No Auto Insurance

If at the time of the accident you did not have auto insurance, get an attorney. In this instance you are most likely looking at paying for the damages out of pocket. In this case, an attorney would be the only way to protect yourself from incurring a significant judgment against you.


When looking at the accident report, you may find that the report does not do an adequate job of describing the accident. If this is the case, work with your attorney to give your description of the events in as much detail as possible. Your claim filed with an insurance company will be based partial on the accident report but mostly on what you and any witnesses are able to describe.

Put all of you car accident stress in the hands of TATE BYWATER. Trust us to take care of and resolve the many struggles that will arise because of a motor vehicle accident.